Ready to simplify your document management?

Set up your Paperless and let it get your documents sorted.



  • 200 MB of storage
  • 1 shared vCPU
  • Up to 8 MB upload size
Get started



  • 2 GB of storage
  • 1 shared vCPU
  • Up to 16 MB upload size
  • Upload documents over FTP
  • Upload documents over WebDAV
Get started



  • 20 GB of storage
  • 2 shared vCPUs
  • Up to 32 MB upload size
  • Upload documents over FTP
  • Upload documents over WebDAV
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  • Tailored to your needs
  • Automatic backups
  • Technical support
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Compare plans

Free Pro Power
Storage 200 MB 2 GB 20 GB
Full encryption
Processing power 1 CPU 1 CPU 2 CPUs
Unlimited users
Mobile app
Export anytime
Maximum upload size 8 MB 16 MB 32 MB
Import email attachements
Import office formats (docx, xlsx, odt, ...)
FTP upload
WebDAV upload